06 April 2011


I love this video.  Every time I watch it, it makes me think about my life.  I think about how often I am the boy that wants to pull the prank, or if I'm the one that looks for opportunities to serve.  I think about whether or not I'm the one who helps initiate the miracle, or am I the one who stands idle and watches it happen.  Am I a catalyst or a hindrance in blessing the lives of others? Sure its not bad to have fun, but its also important that we don't get so caught up in it that we miss the chance to help others.  Another lesson that I think this video teaches us is that of gratitude.  When the man finds the two silver dollars in his shoes, the very first thing that he does is pray and offer his gratitude for his blessings.  I can only imagine how much better the world would be if we not only learned to give meaningful, sometimes random acts of service, but also to give thanks for what we receive.  The scriptures say in Doctrine and Covenants 59:7 "Thou shalt thank the Lord thy God in all things."  I think that is something that everyone can work on, that of thanking the Lord for what we have, because we truly are so blessed.  The scripture says to give thanks for all things, and I take that to mean just that, all things.  Thank him for the big blessings, the small things, and even for the hard timesand trials that we have here.  The man's heartfelt prayer in this video is an awesome example for us.  Lets learn to give service to everybody, whether or not we know them, and learn to better give thanks for all that we have and I know that we'll be blessed because of it.  
_Elder Halbert

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